
MORE than 50 children with cleft lips and palates in Kagera Region are expected to get medical operations with assistance from Izaas Medical Project.

Mr Raza Fazal Izaas Chairman
Izaas Executive Director Raza Fazal said that the operations would be conducted on saturday by doctors Wemdelm Shaffer from Taho lake USA a based NGO which offers free plastic surgery to poor children with cleft lip.Mr Fazal said that a cleft lip or palate is not a curse or bad omen.

He added that every child with a cleft lip or palate or both can be helped.He urged parents and guardians with children with cleft lips and palates to bring their children to hospital to be examined.

Izaas Medical Project is keen to assist the poor children by linking them with experienced doctors.He said a medical expert from Mulago Refferal hospital, in Uganda, had already arrived in the municipality of Bukoba and would start operating on the children at Kagondo Mission Hospital, in Muleba District on Monday.

Izaas Medical Project would foot the bill for the operations, transport and meals for children and parents or guardians who would escort the children. A cleft lip, disparagingly known as ‘mdomo wa sungura’ is a defect that affects mainly children right from birth.
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