

Waitu owaitu ni Kiziba; ehali ye`ngemu omu baadhi ye`byalo byaitu netinisa mara muno. Kashaka, Bugandika, Rukurungo …etc

Watoto wanakwenda shule na njaa hivyo wanashindwa kushiriki vizuri madarasani.

Waitu ninshaba abalashoma ebyonaandika batujune.

Engemu ziinendalalila zonkai, eziin` ebitoke nibiishana nko` bunana. Esababu ya MNYAUKO. Abasigazi abaikutema ekibila kya MUNENE bangi nibaluga omubyalo ebi. Abashaija nibasige` bibanja byabo ebifile, mbagya Munene kupakasa.

While we unequivocally condemn the current scramble in that mother forest, I suggest we also help educate these young men on how to fight this devastating banana wilt.

I was made to understand that this issue was discussed extensively much earlier. May I humbly ask those in the know to kindly give us feedback on developments in details about this deadly disease.

In reading Enock`s letter yesterday on Kanyigo`s development, I got excited (….our culture of excitement) to know of an organic compound (care) that seems to do the magic in suppressing the wilt bacteria.

I am sure Enock will guide us in identifying this compound, the disinfectant used for their farming tools, where they could be obtained and other methods Kanyigo residents are utilising so we can spread the word.

I truly have no adequate words to acknowledge aba Kanyigo and Enock`s achievement on this. Please come to our rescue otherwise it will be like leaving your “better half” at home, heading for an std injection in a clinic. The infected neighbourhood bananas will definitely spread back the bacteria to your healthy rehabilitated farms. We are in the neighbourhood and thus we need your expertise so that we may follow your footsteps.

In the 1960s there was a bug called “ EKIUKA”.. A powder like chemical was distributed, and sprinkling it around the banana plant would kill them “dead” in a days. (okutele ebikonya kukasaidia vilevle)

Mnyauko is different.

Many of us believed that if you truly look after your farm, your bananas will be safe from the wilt.. This is false.

Mzee mmoja ana shamba kubwa (Mulangila) na ngombe wengi (mbolea) na ana shule ya kilimo palepale nyumbani kwake. Migomba yake karibu yote imeharibika na ndizi zinaiva kabla ya kukomaa.

Maana yake ni kwamba huu ugonjwa unasambaa tena haraka saana, na kufikia 2015 Bukoba nzima itakuwa imeshambuliwa, regardless of whatever kind of banana you have planted.

JUST TO RECAP ON SOME FACTS.. May need corrections from experts.

1) THE “BUG”: Bacteria called Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. ( see Dr. Rweyongeza`s doc.)

2) ORIGIN: ETHIOPIA about 35 years ago.

3) ROOT: Through DRC to Uganda ...then Bukoba

4) Transmission: Mainly insects, air, farming tools and even vehicles

*Transmission thru soil/roots and ….20%

*Transmission thru ”uppers” i.e. stem, leaves etc ….70%

5) CONTROL: a) Uproot, disinfect & burry all infected and neighbourhood bananas

b) Disinfect farming tools before & after use in the shamba ..( Enock ..Kayigo)

c) Avoid pruning and cutting of leaves “otashalila” (fresh or dry) of infected banans plants.

d) Set up quarantine measures.

e) Utilize a suppressant chemical to contain the bacteria… (Enock ….Kanyigo)

However, in our areas, awareness creation among stakeholders has not been sustained..why?

*Limited technical, financial and infrastructural capacity.

*incorrect application of cultural practices and lack of appropriate methods for field disinfection of tools coupled with

*weak institutional frameworks for enforcing byelaws and quarantine measures.

These, I note them as key drivers to the continued presence of this disease in Bukoba……. It should however be emphasized that no single management option is adequate to eradicate the disease.


In an event that all this don`t yield substantial results, Bukoba should thereafter be declared a disaster area; And the following “extreme” measures could be put in place.

Migomba yote yenye MNYAUKO ifwekwe pamoja na ile ambayo ipo karibu vilevile, Na ipandwe mipya isiyo na ugonjwa… Hili ni wazo zuri ila utekelezaji utakuwa mgumu.

Kumshawishi mkulima afyeke migomba yake yote:

1)Itabidi kwanza aelimishwe vizuri (campaign) na pia kuwepo na uhakika kwamba migomba mipya haitakuwa na huu ugonjwa.

* 2)Kijiji kizima kitapaswa kufyeka wakati mmoja na serikali lazima ihusike. Wengine watakaokataa walazimiswe.

3)Kuwepo na Migomba mipya ya kupanda (Engemu) na ambayo haijaambukizwa kabla ya kufweka ile iliyoadhirika.

4)Kuwepo njia nyingine ya kupata chakula (food subsidy from Government and other donors)..One year period.

5)FOB members with the assistance of regional admins to embark on a campaign mobilizing & preparing our people for the inevitable.( see 2 above). *

**Churches/mosques are the best areas to capture audience.

6)A special fund be established to cater for this campaign for our survival..

In addition…….

Our agricultural college in Maruku and our faculty of agriculture at our DAR university should get involved in finding answers on how best to contain/suppress the bacteria.(sample culture & sensitivity)

The resident Maruku college should focus more on saving our banana plant from extinction than focusing on TEA? I hope we have an FOB members from the college. Buhaya etaina ngemu ti Buhaya.
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